1. Программное обеспечение


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1.1. Полный комплект программного обеспечения для контроллера 8SMC4/5 (Windows)

Скачать полный комплект для контроллера 8SMC5, обновлено: 30.09.2024
Скачать полный комплект для контроллера 8SMC4

Включает в себя программу XILab только для Windows, комплект разработчика, прошивку последних версий и пользовательскую документацию.

Загрузите комплект программного обеспечения. Убедитесь, что все контроллеры отключены от компьютера. Запустите программу установки XILab. Информация по установке помещена в разделе Установка XILab.

1.2. XILab, 1.20.11, обновлено 19.08.2024

Программу XILab вы можете скачать отсюда:

Windows (XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) xilab-1.20.11-win32_win64.exe
Generic Linux 32-bit xilab-1.20.11-ia32.AppImage.tar.gz
Generic Linux 64-bit xilab-1.20.11-x86_64.AppImage.tar.gz
MacOS Sierra и новее для Intel и Apple Silicon (с использованием Rosetta 2) xilab-1.20.11-osx64.tar.gz

Все версии XILab

Таблица совместимости

Список изменений XILab

1.3. Комплект разработчика, версия 2.14.27, обновлено 28.08.2024

Загрузите и разархивируйте файл: libximc-2.14.27-all.tar.gz

С описанием комплекта разработчика можно ознакомиться в разделе `Руководство по программированию' или в папке /docs-ru/index.html указанного выше архива. Библиотека находится в /ximc-2.14.27
Примеры находяться в /examples-2.14.27

PDF-версия руководства по программированию может быть скачана отсюда.

1.4. Прошивка контроллера

Скачать для 8SMC5: ximc-4.7.16-hw2.3.x.cod, обновлено 03.09.2024

Скачать для 8SMC4: ximc-3.9.23-hw2.2.x.cod, обновлено 19.06.2023

Процедура обновления прошивки:

  1. Скачайте файл с нужной версией прошивки.
  2. Запустите XIlab
  3. Рекомендуется на всякий случай сохранить конфигурационный файл XiLab перед обновлением прошивки.
  4. Откройте “Settings…” -> на вкладке “About device” нажмите кнопку “Update from file” и выберите новый файл прошивки.
  5. Не беспокойтесь, если программа XILab не отвечает. Подождите пока прошивка будет успешно обновлена. Обычно это занимает около 10-15 секунд.
  6. Если настройки изменились, то загрузите сохранённый конфигурационый файл и сохраните его в энергонезависимую память контроллера с помощью кнопки “Save to flash”.

1.5. Примеры для LabView (Windows)

Примеры использования контроллера в среде LabView (для Windows) можно скачать по ссылке: labview-2.13.3-Labview_12.0.7z

1.6. Софт для работы со ScanImage

Софт для работы со ScanImage можно скачать по ссылке: scanimage-1.0.0-win64.7z

1.7. Драйверы

Драйверы контроллеру не требуются, но в среде Windows требуется inf-файл. Он устанавливается автоматически при установке программного обеспечения XILab. Этот файл вы можете найти в папке C:\Program Files\XILab\Driver после установки программы XILab. Также указанный файл можно скачать по ссылке: driver.zip

Драйверы или специальные файлы для Linux или Mac не требуются.

1.8. Программное обеспечение для контроллеров 8SMC1-USBhF с поддержкой контроллеров 8SMC4/5

Программное обеспечение можно скачать по ссылке: microsmc-2.3.0-win32_win64.zip

Подробная информация находится здесь.

1.9. Прошивка для адаптера 8Eth1, версия 1.2.2, обновлено 30.03.2023


Адаптер 8SMC4-USB-Eth был переименован в 8Eth1. Все имеющиеся инструкции в нашей документации актуальны и применимы к обоим устройствам.

Прошивка также совместима с устройствами 8SMC4-ETHERNET/RS232-B19 и 8SMC4-36

Прошивку можно скачать по ссылке: cubian-1.2.2-armhf_static_ip.7z

Подробная информация находится здесь.


По умолчанию образ из архива cubian-1.2.0-armhf_static_ip.7z имеет динамический IP, но его можно изменить на статический.

Инструкция по замене образа есть на нашем сайте, а также внутри архива cubian-1.2.0-armhf_static_ip.7z

Для установки статического IP адреса в устройтсвах 8SMC4-ETHERNET/RS232-B19 и 8SMC4-36 следует написать нам на [email protected] или связаться с нами в Telegram: @SMC5TechSupport / WhatsApp: +1 (530) 584-4117

Все версии прошивок для адаптера 8Eth1

Список изменений прошивки 8Eth1

1.10. REVEALER, версия 2.0.11, обновлено 01.07.2024

«Revealer» предназначен для автоматического обнаружения устройств, подключенных к вашей локальной сети.

Программное обеспечение можно скачать по ссылке:

Подробная информация находится здесь.

Все версии REVEALER для адаптера 8Eth1

Список изменений REVEALER

2. Все версии ПО

2.1. Все версии XILab

Версия Windows (XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) MacOS Sierra и новее для Intel и Apple Silicon (с использованием Rosetta 2) Generic Linux Debian / Ubuntu RedHat / OpenSUSE
1.20.11 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.20.10 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.20.7 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.20.6 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.20.5 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.20.4 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.20.3 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.20.2 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.19.1 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.18.3 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.17.14 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.17.10 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.17.9 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.17.4 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.17.2 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.14.12 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.14.8 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.14.7 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.14.5 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit
1.13.14 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
1.13.13 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
1.12.18 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
1.12.15 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
1.12.14 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
1.12.13 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
1.12.10 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
1.12.8 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
1.11.12 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit
1.11.10 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.10.14 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.10.11 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.10.10 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.10.6 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.9.18 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.9.17 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.9.16 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.9.15 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.9.14 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.9.13 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.9.12 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.9.11 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.8.30 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.8.29 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
1.8.28 Скачать Скачать 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit

2.1.1. Список изменений XILab

Развернуть Свернуть
  • 1.20.11
    • Bugfix: Fix annoying message about failing to open a profile file when reconnecting the device
    • Bugfix: Fix script language: add support of MoveFlags field
    • Bugfix: Delete XILab directory entirely under uninstallation. Add wiring diagrams into exe-installed XILab
    • Bugfix: Fix receive\_synchronized message bug. Remove annoying "Essential settings changed"
  • 1.20.10
    • Bugfix: Fix XILab crushing while scanning for xi-net devices
    • Bugfix: Fix profiles warning messages
    • Feature: Log result strings instead of errcodes and fix log levels
  • 1.20.7
    • Bugfix: Fix crushing on pushing "Scan for local servers"
    • Feature: Add Quick Start window
  • 1.20.6
    • Feature: Improve error messages on an attempt to load firmware via network connection
  • 1.20.5
    • Feature: Added an error message when updating firmware over Ethernet
  • 1.20.4
    • Bugfix: User message and checkbox name changed in pagenetsetwgt
    • Feature: Exit button is made available on scanning devices
    • Feature: Net settings option renamed in UI
  • 1.20.3
    • Feature: Network settings property sheet added to settings in service mode
  • 1.20.2
    • Bugfix: The command (a.write) in XiLab scripts on version 2.0.x. does not work
    • Bugfix: ALARM(s) in multi-axis xilab
    • Feature: Check the performance of our software on the MacBook m2
    • Feature: To figure out why when building Xell under Windows on a local machine, the interpretation of warnings differs from the assembly on Jenkins
  • 1.19.1
    • Bugfix: Fixed the default window size for the logic of the wrong profile in xilab
    • Feature: Added links to manuals to xilab
    • Feature: Renamed the buttons for working with profiles
    • Feature: Added a feature to hide duplicate messages in the xilab log
  • 1.18.3
    • Bugfix: Fixed the opening logic message for 8smc4
    • Bugfix: The local xilab assembly stopped working according to the instructions from Git
    • Bugfix: Changing the logic of opening an incorrect profile in xialb
    • Feature: To enable Jenkins to work with remote virtual machines
    • Feature: Prepare scripts with a description
    • Feature: Draw a dependency diagram of the ximc project
    • Feature: Enable user units recalculation in profiles by default
    • Feature: Add updated scripts to xilab 1.18.3
  • 1.17.14
    • Bugfix: Check the autodetect boxes in xilab. 1.17.x and issue a public release
  • 1.17.10
    • Bugfix: Fixed the "Technical Support" button in xilab for Windows 10
    • Feature: Mechanisms for isolating our and public GitHub builds
    • Feature: Make an assembly by tags and push
    • Feature: Posting xilab build instructions to the GitHub repository
  • 1.17.9
    • Bugfix: In AppImage 1.17.9, the "Control" and "Power" blocks are twitching
    • Bugfix: In AppImage 1.17.9, fix the label on the "Technical support" button
    • Bugfix: To remove the output "Diver\_rpm key not found"
    • Bugfix: In xilab, when using divided rpm, it does not output speed, but always writes speed: 0 deg/s or 0 mm/s
    • Bugfix: Return autodetect to Service mode
    • Feature: Change the calibration algorithm for attenuators to a simple home call and the calibration flag to a simple homed flag in XiLab
    • Feature: Add the single-axis / bi-axis mode label to xilab
    • Feature: In xilab, do an enumerate with sequential polling of multiple adapters
  • 1.17.4
    • Bugfix: Alarm in multi-axis mode
  • 1.17.2
    • Bugfix: Fix download link for latest version
    • Bugfix: When working with userunit in XiLab, the unit conversion floats when you repeatedly click apply
    • Bugfix: To kill the validators
    • Bugfix: After updating the firmware to itself an error in the log
    • Bugfix: When loading a profile from a file in the case of user unit profiles the data is not recalculated correctly
    • Feature: Added ENCODER MEDIATED feedback mode for the stepper motor
    • Feature: Flag STATE\_WINDING\_REFN\_MISMATCH(WRM) added
    • Feature: Added L, R, Km to the stepper motor page
    • Feature: Added EMF flags to the stepper motor page
    • Feature: Enabling the PID page in User mode
    • Feature: Added disable flags for all alarms.
    • Feature: On the User unit page, you can now upload correction tables that significantly improve positioning accuracy
    • Feature: Added the No devices found button? for Windows
    • Feature: The UART tab is no longer available for users in the XiLab settings
    • Feature: By default, the ALARM\_ENGINE\_RESPONSE flag is set for all profiles
    • Feature: Pid and EMF data for 20, 28, 59 engines were added to the profiles
    • Feature: Protocol changes in the libximc library
    • Feature: Profile updates related to protocol changes and adding feedback modes
    • Feature: Added tooltips for Feedback modes
  • 1.14.12
    • Bugfix: On backlash compensation behavior on exit is corrected
    • Bugfix: GUI input value validators disabled. All values are checked on the controller during setup
    • Bugfix: Windows certificate updated. Issue with Windows UAC warnings solved
  • 1.14.8
    • Bufgix: .grf files save and restore
    • Bugfix: Added backlash compensation clamp
    • Bugfix: Fixed cyclic borders overflow
  • 1.14.7
    • Bugfix: Control and home settings not apply
  • 1.14.5
    • Bugfix: EXTIO interrupt cyclic motion
    • Bugfix: get\_status() in scripts
    • Bugfix: Revolution sensor switch in BLDC
    • Bugfix: Problems with third-party libraries in PATH
    • Feature: Oscilloscope
    • Feature: Linear motor wizard
  • 1.13.14
    • Bugfix: Log firmware hash validation errors
    • Bugfix: ximc\_fix\_usbser\_sys is now properly called again if controller is lost
    • Bugfix: Wrong displayed rotator speed for some stage types
    • Feature: Change unit types in Settings on feedback type change (updated)
  • 1.13.13
    • Bugfix: Rare controller open errors
    • Bugfix: Comment highlighting error in script window
    • Bugfix: Hiding MSVC redist installer
    • Bugfix: Removed percent-encoded device names in start window
    • Bugfix: Charts alignment
    • Bugfix: Erroneously disabled General motor page in multiaxis interface
    • Bugfix: Cross-influence of Settings windows in multiaxis on OK/Apply
    • Feature: Added protocol 17.2 support
    • Feature: Added flag indicators to main window taskbar
    • Feature: Added failed enumerate indication in Xilab start window
    • Feature: Moved detection settings into start window
    • Feature: Deprecate old script syntax
    • Feature: Hide unused USB voltage/current fields for 8SMC5 controllers
    • Feature: Bitmask script examples
    • Feature: Allow encoder feedback for all engine types
    • Feature: Added 8SMC4/8SMC5 firmware version filter
    • Feature: Added Number of poles field for BLDC motor types
    • Feature: Fix Cyclic, watch correct flag to check for movement status
    • Feature: Show controller hardware version on About device page
    • Feature: Added key management functions to start window settings
    • Feature: Increased Max Voltage in all XILab profiles
    • Feature: Change unit types in Settings on feedback type change
    • Feature: Update slider/cyclic settings if user units change
    • Feature: Renamed play compensation to backlash compensation
  • 1.12.18
    • Bugfix: Erroneous speed display in multiaxis mode with encoder feedback
    • Bugfix: Incorrect display of position in charts for DC and BLDC engine types
    • Bugfix: Firmware display error in update list, zero versions were ignored
    • Bugfix: Limit default button/joystick control speeds in profiles with max speed
    • Bugfix: Incorrect grayout of Position control page
    • Bugfix: Fixed chart refresh on chart data load in View window
    • Feature: Enable encoder feedback option for stepper motor type
    • Feature: Updated click settings in profiles
  • 1.12.15
    • Feature: Support 16.12 communication protocol
    • Feature: Support current RMS flag
  • 1.12.14
    • Bugfix: Xilab did not refresh settings in Settings window after firmware update
    • Bugfix: Wrong units were displayed on main window after feedback type change
    • Feature: Support for 16.11 communication protocol
  • 1.12.13
    • Bugfix: Bad rounding for DC motor speed fixed
    • Bugfix: OpenLast sometimes failed, now fixed
    • Bugfix: Xilab error on reset command with network controllers
    • Bugfix: Xilab should not stop reconnection attempts on lost network controller
    • Bugfix: Calibrated functions and structures in scripts now work properly
    • Bugfix: Progress bar now lingers for 1 second on autoupdate
    • Bugfix: Log failed firmware updates
    • Bugfix: Xilab should open controllers without Probe\_device flag set
    • Bugfix: Attenuator interface bug fixed
    • Feature: Adaptive timeouts in firmware update on error
  • 1.12.10
    • Bugfix: Remove UAC elevation requirement
    • Bugfix: Virtual controller serials now work properly
    • Bugfix: Fix for main window speed display of DC motor with user units enabled
    • Feature: Support for 16.10 communication protocol
  • 1.12.8
    • Bugfix: Fixed rapid flashing of firmware update notification window on some linux distributions
    • Bugfix: Require UAC elevation which is needed for software controller reset feature
    • Bugfix: Proper handling of malformed XML in server response to request for available firmware versions
    • Feature: Network-attached controllers are now supported
    • Feature: Friendly names are displayed on start window
    • Feature: Virtual controller functionality moved to libximc library
  • 1.11.12
    • Bugfix: Fixed message in Xilab log on Alarm
    • Bugfix: Fixed autotest script not to use deprecated functions
    • Bugfix: Multiaxis Xilab became slow over time
    • Bugfix: Annoying "Please check internet connection" message removed
    • Bugfix: Some settings were not reset after Cancel button was pressed
    • Bugfix: "Remove custom files" dialog header was missing
    • Bugfix: "2nd move speed" on "Home position" did not obey grayout rules
    • Bugfix: Typographic error in "Torque gradient" measurement units
    • Bugfix: "Potentiometer" was renamed to "Analog input"
    • Bugfix: Zero button was sending random settings to the controller on start
    • Bugfix: Removed "steps per turn" 6-800 limit
    • Bugfix: Changed "Position control" field description
    • Bugfix: "Show secondary position" setting was not respected after restart
    • Feature: Firmware choice menu added
  • 1.11.10
    • Bugfix: Long numbers do not warp the multiaxis interface anymore.
    • Bugfix: Script function names are
    • Bugfix: Fixed charts behavior while changing positioning units on the go.
    • Bugfix: SM### (step motor No ###) was changed to SN### (serial number ###) in the GUI.
    • Bugfix: Some built-in script functions were not highlighted in the script editor.
    • Bugfix: Friendly name is not overwritten on profile load now.
    • Bugfix: Potentiometer feedback was removed as never to be implemented.
    • Feature: XiLab supports attenuator (optical filter changer) hardware now. There is an built-in interface to set the filter manually or automatically according to the required transmittance.
    • Feature: Revised exception logic. Better stability and bug logging now.
    • Feature: XiLab now use Qt 4.8.6. Several GUI bugs were fixed this way.
    • Feature: Script stop also stops the current motion by soft stop.
    • Feature: Script function names are more logical now. Old names are supported for a while.
    • Feature: Scripts now support saving to and loading from files.
    • Feature: The axes of the multiaxis interface were labeled.
    • Feature: There is auto firmware update button now. No need to download the latest firmware manually.
    • Feature: Multiaxis interface shows 2D trajectory now.
    • Feature: Singleaxis interface can be controlled by arrow hotkeys same way as multiaxis.
    • Feature: The unlikely event of two identical serial numbers is checked and the user is notified.
    • Feature: Qt version that is used is now showed in the About tab of settings.
    • Feature: XiLab version is showed on the main window to make bug solving easier.
    • Feature: Internal components versions are now in one format that allows copying to be pasted.
  • 1.10.14
    • Bugfix: Profiles updated
    • Bugfix: Add virtual controllers button could erroneously open controller on cancel
    • Bugfix: Read-only files now should not generate "failed opening file" error
    • Bugfix: Save inactive settings in multiaxis interface
    • Bugfix: Charts autostart was broken on some Linux desktop managers
  • 1.10.11
    • Bugfix: Locale-aware decimal separators
    • Bugfix: Flush script environment after stop
    • Bugfix: Limit switches wrong display
  • 1.10.10
    • Bugfix: Maximum speed limit fixed
    • Bugfix: Incorrect settings when switching between DC and stepper motor profiles
    • Bugfix: Log message is now autoresized to window width
    • Bugfix: Updated linux dependency to >= libximc 2.3.0
    • Bugfix: Fixed wrong unit type for DC engine nominal speed
    • Bugfix: Removed window size limits on MacOS
    • Bugfix: Added heuristic to use ximc\_fix\_usbser\_sys if device does not respond
    • Bugfix: Fixed an edge case with virtual controller serial number handling
    • Bugfix: Multiaxis interface should not resize by itself
    • Feature: Multiaxis interface now correctly saves window sizes and positions
    • Feature: Stop script if Stop button in main window is pressed
    • Feature: Removed rounding on TTL page because firmware now supports microsecond accuracy
    • Feature: newaxis script function is deprecated in favor of new\_axis
  • 1.10.6
    • Bugfix: Intermittent failure to reopen device on linux
    • Bugfix: Uninstaller was not removing all files
    • Bugfix: Multiple virtual controllers conflict
    • Bugfix: TS\_type key was being saved incorrectly
    • Bugfix: Script examples worked in single-axis mode only
    • Bugfix: Removed "#1" suffix from device name in device driver
    • Bugfix: "Save to flash" button changed state only on settings window reopen
    • Bugfix: .inf-file signature was incorrect
    • Bugfix: Random color was saved in Graph\_flags\_setup section
    • Feature: Fully calibrated user interface
    • Feature: Virtual controlllers save internal state, can move and return randomized measurements
    • Feature: Rpm/step units depend on feedback instead of engine type
    • Feature: Input field validation happens on lost focus
    • Feature: Enable opening of controllers even if "probe devices" is turned off
    • Feature: Graphs export to CSV now available
    • Feature: Target position indicator in multiaxis interface
    • Feature: Log window is visible by default
    • Feature: Charts autostart option, turned on by default
    • Feature: "Force stop" option for unresponsive scripts
    • Feature: Add exception handling
    • Feature: All file errors are logged now
    • Feature: Window close button now also saves window position
    • Feature: "Remove all custom configurations" option
    • Feature: Can now use Unicode symbols in text fields
  • 1.9.18
    • Bugfix: Positioner name field was read-only
  • 1.9.17
    • Bugfix: X-Y buttons in multiaxis interface fixed
    • Bugfix: Corrected Xilab download link on About page
    • Bugfix: Fix rounding issues in input fields (linux)
    • Bugfix: Fix input validation in floating-point value controls
  • 1.9.16
    • Bugfix: Moved "New instance of Xilab" menu from dock right-click menu to app menubar on MacOS
    • Bugfix: Modal dialog was sent to background in some cases (for ex. on firmware update)
    • Bugfix: Maximum speed is now limited by 100000
    • Bugfix: Unit suffixes disappeared on stage pages in settings window
    • Bugfix: Attempting to load graphs in unknown format now results in an error
  • 1.9.15
    • Bugfix: Drop-down list selection elements cannot be changed in usermode
    • Bugfix: Scripts were missing get\_position and set\_position functions
    • Bugfix: Script wrapper function wait\_for\_stop uses command completion flag instead of movement flag now
    • Bugfix: Overwriting a settings ini-file now erases its previous contents instead of merging
    • Bugfix: Border-to-border cyclic motion works properly with any combination of limit switch states
  • 1.9.14
    • Bugfix: Stage settings grayout on settings page reopening
    • Bugfix: Feedback radiobutton on DC motor page now doesn't behave like a checkbox
    • Bugfix: SVG render warning on Windows XP
  • 1.9.13
    • Bugfix: Mac OS X Qwt 6.0 library paths fixed, application error is gone
    • Bugfix: Floating point number spinboxes round off their values to float-precision on lost focus instead of reopened window
    • Bugfix: "Save to file" button saves current displayed settings instead of those applied to the controller
    • Bugfix: Position control page is now grayed out with encoder or hall sensor feedback, like it should be
    • Bugfix: Z axis background color changes to window background color if this axis is inactive
    • Bugfix: Movement indicator icon is now shown, added warning if svg resource cannot be loaded
    • Bugfix: Removed erroneous limits in "power off delay" and "current in hold mode" ranges on power management page
  • 1.9.12
    • Bugfix: Added missing set\_controller\_name, get\_controller\_name, set\_add\_sync\_in\_action, set\_add\_sync\_in\_action\_calb, get\_chart\_data, get\_analog\_data, get\_debug\_read, set\_stage\_name, get\_stage\_name functions to scripts
    • Bugfix: Properly handle situations with lost devices and device reordering in multiaxis interface
    • Bugfix: Grayout settings pages that are not applicable in multiaxis interface
    • Bugfix: Grayout power management page for DC and BLDC engine types
    • Bugfix: Fix slider axis multiplier for really small ranges in single-axis interface
  • 1.9.11
    • Bugfix: DC engines nominal voltage was disabled in GUI when voltage limiting is off, but it is used in PID control and must never be grayed out
    • Bugfix: PWM level chart updated values at the wrong times
    • Bugfix: TTL sync page was skewed on MacOS X
    • Bugfix: Added default name when saving profile
    • Bugfix: Scripts in multiaxis interface now work properly
    • Bugfix: Step division couldn't be changed. Now it can
    • Bugfix: Slider settings for single axis and multiaxis interface are compatible now
    • Bugfix: Array elements in settings structures are now supported
    • Bugfix: Limit\_switch\_1\_pushed\_is\_closed setting was incorrectly named Limit\_switch\_1\_pushed\_is\_open
    • Bugfix: Fixed smart Stop button behaviour
    • Bugfix: Stage accessories page did not save its settings
    • Bugfix: Stage settings could not be saved to or loaded from file
    • Bugfix: Script highlighting
    • Bugfix: Scripting interface was unresponsive on long script files
    • Bugfix: Move to and Shift to precision fixed
    • Bugfix: Shortened example scripts
    • Bugfix: Settings pages were inactive after unsuccessful firmware update
    • Bugfix: Correctly save settings after losing connection to the device
    • Bugfix: Axes control widget in multiaxis interface now doesn't move mouse while controlling with keyboard arrows
    • Bugfix: Load engine settings for all pages (stepper, DC, BLDC)
    • Bugfix: No default user interface autoselections if no controller settings match
    • Bugfix: Script editor font is now fixed size
    • Bugfix: Stage pages use unified motor settings instead of separate motor type pages
    • Bugfix: Incorrect rounding in spin box controls
    • Bugfix: Slider uses user units
    • Bugfix: Multiaxis interface incorrectly interpreted decimal places precision as significant figures
    • Bugfix: Set\_zero script works properly with single-phase homing
    • Bugfix: Enabled revolution sensor
    • Bugfix: Encoder output type display on stage page fixed
    • Bugfix: Main window slider was incorrectly showing percentages instead of absolute values
    • Bugfix: Winding voltage/current are now correctly disabled depending on motor type
    • Feature: Unified Windows installer for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems
    • Feature: New communication protocol 16.6 is now supported
    • Feature: Added user units calibration to single-axis interface
    • Feature: Added power driver failure and borders misset alarm flags visualization
    • Feature: Added EEPROM precedence option that allows either load settings from memory equipped positioner by default or ignore that settings
    • Feature: Added working region support for multiaxis interface
    • Feature: Secondary GUI windows are bought back when application focus is lost and restored. It improves usability
    • Feature: Multiaxis interface borders are set according to controller settings
    • Feature: Optimized positioner EEPROM readings to avoid excess communication
    • Feature: A valid security certificate allows flawless Windows 8 installation now
    • Feature: Added visualization for free buffer space in controller for synchronization actions
    • Feature: Default logging settings are optimized to store important data before something happens
    • Feature: Removed Update borders button because it was confusing to users
    • Feature: MacOS X version is distributed as .tar.gz archive instead of .dmg volume
    • Feature: Resistive potentiometer support removed
    • Feature: Hall sensors are added to graphs
    • Feature: Scripts now have access to calibrated functions
    • Feature: Added wait\_for\_stop function to scripts
    • Feature: Added get\_next\_serial function to scripts
    • Feature: Single-axis interface now supports multiaxis script syntax
    • Feature: Added log window to multiaxis interface
    • Feature: Multiaxis calibration is now per-axis
    • Feature: Script syntax checker
  • 1.8.30
    • Feature: Profile files added and updated
  • 1.8.29
    • Feature: Profile files added
  • 1.8.28
    • Feature: Initial autogenerated release

2.2. Все версии библиотеки libximc, MicroSMC и XIMC_Labview

Официально поддерживается Labview 12.0, остальные версии являются пересохранением с совместимостью для более ранних версий (не тестировалось)

2.2.1. Список изменений libximc

Развернуть Свернуть
  • 2.14.27
    • Bugfix: Mark USB voltage and current values as deprecated
    • Feature: Add pauses into examples
  • 2.14.26
    • Feature: Change README
  • 2.14.24
    • Bugfix: Fix debian related bug of wrong shared objects directory
    • Bugfix: Fix testpython.py
    • Feature: Change README.md to README.txt in Python Jupyter example
    • Feature: Improve documentation for joystick\_settings and enumerate\_devices
    • Feature: Update READMEs for examples
    • Feature: Add 'Deprecated' note in ximc\_fix\_usbser\_sys documentation
    • Feature: Add local imports
    • Feature: Add pauses in C examples
  • 2.14.23
    • Bugfix: Fix enumeration bug
    • Bugfix: Fix indecies bug
    • Feature: Added jupyter readme
  • 2.14.22
    • Bugfix: Fixed xi-net connection
  • 2.14.20
    • Bugfix: Fixed docs
    • Feature: Added new python binding
  • 2.14.17
    • Bugfix: Fixed virtual controller
  • 2.14.14
    • Feature: Jupiter libximc improved
    • Feature: Readme added to the pypi libximc example
    • Feature: Hints argument description corrected
    • Feature: Documentation start pages reviewed
    • Feature: Libximc .sh scripts improved
  • 2.14.13
    • Feature: Wrong position returned in virtual controllers fixed
  • 2.13.6
    • Bugfix: Select the standa folder with caps in libximc/ximc/c-profiles
    • Feature: Refinement of libximc sample tests
  • 2.13.5
    • Bugfix: Translation of XIMC\_API in the libximc manual
    • Bugfix: Update the libximc assembly instructions
    • Bugfix: Select the standa folder with caps in libximc/ximc/c-profiles
    • Feature: Respond to Pull Request in libximc
  • 2.13.3
    • Bugfix: Make examples on linux working
    • Bugfix: Fix the description of the BITS flag group
    • Bugfix: Fix comments on our matlab examples
    • Bugfix: Jenkins assembly on Cubieboard broke
    • Bugfix: The old driver gets into the archives with the library
    • Bugfix: The local libximc build from the GIT repository does not work
    • Bugfix: Fix the description of the "reset\_locks" function
    • Bugfix: The Java example from the libximc library is not going to
    • Feature: Clean up the Bindy branches
  • 2.13.1
    • Feature: Fix the Python 3.9 examples on Win10
    • Feature: The python profile didn't include the wiring diagram
  • 2.13.0
    • Bugfix: Fix typos in the libximc manual
    • Bugfix: Fix errors in the examples
    • Bugfix: Migrate Bindy socket leak fix to libximc
    • Feature: Rename the examples and add dependencies for labwindows
    • Feature: Specify on the main page libximc-thread-safe
    • Feature: Processing a missing library msvc120.dll/msvcp120.dll
  • 2.12.10
    • Feature: Change testpythonprofile and fix the folder structure
  • 2.12.5
    • Bugfix: Remove the mention of detecting the motor connection
    • Feature: Added flag indicating that the speed is entered in mili rpm
    • Feature: Improved the extended Python example
    • Feature: Added a description file for the extended example
  • 2.12.1
    • Feature: Changed the Protocol version to 20.1
    • Feature: License changed to BSD 2-Clause
    • Feature: Added commands set\_emf\_settings, get\_emf\_settings, set\_engine\_advansed\_setup, get\_engine\_advansed\_setup
    • Feature: Added support for corrective tables
    • Feature: Added the command to load the correction table
    • Feature: Added disable flags for all alarms
    • Feature: Added support for feedback Encoder mediated
    • Feature: Modified examples in Python and testapp
  • 2.10.5
    • Bugfix: Stability on mac OS improved
    • Feature: C-profiles support and example added
    • Feature: BLDC support added
    • Feature: Differential encoder support added
    • Feature: Compiled codeblocks examples added
  • 2.9.14
    • Feature: Add documentation link in labview example
    • Feature: Microsteps in labview
    • Feature: Improve examples
    • Feature: Add driver folder
  • 2.9.12
    • Bugfix: Python example fixed
    • Bugfix: Logging in wrong file
    • Feature: Remove freebsd
    • Feature: Examples refactoring
    • Feature: Replace name -> uri
    • Feature: Add anonymous user to build.sh
    • Feature: Compatibility with 18.x protocol commands added.
    • Feature: Current limit, hbridge fault, encoder fault and winding resistance mismatch flags added.
  • 2.9.11
    • Bugfix: Testapp compilation on MacOS
    • Bugfix: Testapp compilation on Linux
    • Bugfix: Matlab on Linux and MacOS
    • Bugfix: Java, C#, C, VB examples with network enumerate (add keyfile)
    • Bugfix: Changed the manual to launch most of the examples
    • Feature: Add more examples for Matlab
    • Feature: Description for bindy\_key in examples
  • 2.9.8
    • Feature: Protocol 17.2 support
  • 2.8.10
    • Feature: Protocol 16.12 support
  • 2.8.9
    • Bugfix: Fixed python calibrated functions
    • Bugfix: Fixed WinXP support
    • Feature: 64-bit dotNET wrapper
    • Feature: Check device\_enumeration\_t validity
  • 2.8.8
    • Feature: Support "Alarm on ExtIO" option
  • 2.8.7
    • Bugfix: Fixed device discovery on OS X 10.11
    • Bugfix: Java doxygen documentation
    • Bugfix: Added libjximc.jar for win32 example
  • 2.8.5
    • Bugfix: Added Java doxygen documentation
    • Bugfix: Fixed network controller broadcast discovery on Linux
    • Bugfix: open\_device should work without prior device\_enumerate call
    • Feature: Python support
    • Feature: Disabled SSE optimizations to support very old CPUs
  • 2.8.4
    • Bugfix: Fixed libximc on 32-bit matlab
    • Bugfix: Fixed compilation of testapp and testappeasy examples on Linux
    • Bugfix: Better documentation for java wrapper
    • Bugfix: Network enumerate respects enumerate timeout
    • Bugfix: Do not synchronize if device is lost (faster reaction time)
    • Feature: Added wait\_for\_stop() function
  • 2.8.0
    • Bugfix: Fixed documentation about using Debian 7 and OpenSUSE 12
    • Bugfix: Support ENUMERATE\_ALL\_COM flag on MacOS
    • Bugfix: Fix process termination if incorrect MicrostepMode value is used
    • Bugfix: Added 32-bit SuSe build target
    • Bugfix: Fixed Matlab example on 64-bit Windows
    • Bugfix: Fixed Access Violation in get\_controller\_name()
    • Feature: Added support for network-connected controllers
    • Feature: Added support for virtual controllers
    • Feature: API changes
    • Feature: Support for debian wheezy on ARMv7 targets (tested on cubieboard2)
    • Feature: New userdata logging interface
  • 2.3.2
    • Bugfix: Cleaned up MacOS metadata files in distribution tar
  • 2.3.1
    • Bugfix: set\_ functions in C# no longer cause an exception
  • 2.3.0
    • Feature: Library-level device locks
  • 2.2.2
    • Bugfix: Support 64-bit data types for LabVIEW bindings
  • 2.2.1
    • Bugfix: Synchronization now works properly
  • 2.2.0
    • Bugfix: Libximc is built differently
    • Feature: Calibrated commands without microstep
    • Feature: Arrays as calibrated fields
    • Feature: Calibrated fields of velocities
    • Feature: Added user units in C# and Delphi programming languages
    • Feature: Added Java bindings
  • 2.0.5
    • Feature: Initial public release

2.2.2. Список изменений XIMC_Labview

Развернуть Свернуть
  • 2.13.3
    • Feature: Added an example with a virtual controller
    • Feature: Added LabView .exe examples
    • Feature: Changed folder structure
  • 2.12.1
    • Feature: Added an example showing working With XML correction tables example caleb carr.vi
    • Feature: Added a sample table Corr\_table\_8MT173-25.tbl
    • Feature: Added an example using user units "XImc Example One axis calb.vi"
  • 2.9.14
    • Feature: Add documentation link in labview example
    • Feature: Add microsteps in labview
    • Feature: Added step-by-step guide to recompiling LabView examples
  • 2.9.12
    • Bugfix: Fix init device .vi missing
  • 2.9.11
    • Bugfix: Fix infinite motion in simple example
    • Feature: Updated to libximc revision 2.9.11
    • Feature: Add simple example for network enumerate
    • Feature: Add calibration example
  • 2.8.5
    • Feature: Updated to libximc version 2.8.5
  • 2.8.4
    • Feature: Updated to libximc version 2.8.4
    • Feature: Added wait\_for\_stop function to simple example
  • 2.8.0
    • Feature: Updated to libximc version 2.8.0
  • 2.3.0
    • Feature: Updated to libximc version 2.3.0
  • 2.2.2
    • Feature: Updated to libximc version 2.2.2
  • 2.2.1
    • Feature: Initial version of XIMC labview library

2.2.3. Список изменений MicroSMC

Развернуть Свернуть
  • 2.3.0
    • Feature: Libximc version update
  • 2.2.2
    • Feature: Libximc version update
  • 2.2.1
    • Feature: Libximc version update

2.3. Все версии прошивки

Версия (для 8SMC4) Файл Версия (для 8SMC5) Файл
3.9.23 Скачать 4.7.16 Скачать
3.9.22 Скачать 4.7.12 Скачать
3.9.20 Скачать 4.7.11 Скачать
3.9.18 Скачать 4.6.10 Скачать
3.9.16 Скачать 4.6.9 Скачать
3.9.14 Скачать 4.6.8 Скачать
3.9.12 Скачать 4.6.6 Скачать
3.9.11 Скачать 4.6.5 Скачать
3.9.10 Скачать 4.5.9 Скачать
3.9.9 Скачать 4.5.2 Скачать
3.9.8 Скачать 4.1.13 Скачать
3.9.7 Скачать 4.1.8 Скачать
3.9.5 Скачать 4.1.6 Скачать
3.8.19 Скачать 4.1.5 Скачать
3.8.17 Скачать 4.1.4 Скачать
3.8.16 Скачать 4.0.9 Скачать
3.8.14 Скачать 4.0.7 Скачать
3.8.11 Скачать 4.0.4 Скачать
3.8.10 Скачать    
3.8.9 Скачать    
3.8.8 Скачать    
3.8.7 Скачать    
3.8.4 Скачать    
3.8.3 Скачать    

2.3.1. Список изменений прошивки

Развернуть Свернуть
  • 4.7.16
    • Bugfix: Fix CPC start noises
  • 4.7.12
    • Bugfix: Fixed bug with dublicate SCAL structure storing in FRAM and Flash memory.
    • Bugfix: Fixed setting default gateway for another network settings via Revealer (our multicast protocol (MIPAS))
    • Bugfix: Fixed slow web-page loading
  • 4.7.11
    • Bugfix: Fixed bug with the usage of blank line password
    • Feature: Added default password after first start - '0000'
  • 4.6.10
    • Bugfix: Fix current and EAngle transition after HIGH->LOW switching
    • Bugfix: Change switching timings to reduce noise
    • Bugfix: Fix EncPosition bug
    • Feature: Add switch for feedback type for BLDC engine
  • 4.6.9
    • Bugfix: Fixed bug with dublicate SCAL structure storing in FRAM and Flash memory
  • 4.6.8
    • Feature: Optimization of the initialization block in ximc
  • 4.6.6
    • Bugfix: Current in hold mode fix
  • 4.6.5
    • Bugfix: Clicks during acceleration in large engines under load
    • Bugfix: Profiling the new algorithm
    • Bugfix: Make firmware 4.6.4 working
  • 4.5.9
    • Bugfix: Fix motor switching bug for bldc progress
    • Bugfix: Fix a bug with stopping at a certain point at a low speed
    • Feature: Add speed processing in miles rpm for BLDC to the firmware
  • 4.5.2
    • Bugfix: Fixed noise in holding mode and jerk motions during switching between HIGH and LOW speed modes
    • Bugfix: Fixed controller reset at startup
    • Feature: Created 2 new adjustment of the structure in the firmware
    • Feature: Refactoring the firmware
    • Feature: The system of prohibition of interrupts is modified
    • Feature: more stable speed estimaion in high speed mode
    • Feature: partial bumpless transfer scheme for StepperFOCSensorlress
    • Feature: Added integration with XiLab GUI (stepper parameters and PID coefficients assignment) for FOC
    • Feature: Added FeedbackEncoderMediated
    • Feature: Added flags for all alarm. Added flags to disable all alarm
    • Feature: Added functionality to the firmware that allows you to read the old data format from Fram
  • 4.1.13
    • Bugfix: Incorrect acceleration setup for BLDC fixed
    • Feature: Winding resistance difference check added
    • Feature: Symmetric phase calibration algorithm added
    • Feature: Support for both amplitude and RMS current representations for BLDC added
  • 4.1.8
    • Bugfix: In rare cases, the controller with DC motor can ignore the limit switches
    • Bugfix: Sometimes the "Move to" command isn't completed
    • Bugfix: Incorrect behavior after switching from stepper motor to DC motor
  • 4.1.6
    • Bugfix: In rare cases, the homing procedure can never be completed (see program indicators, physically the stage stops). Related bug - controller can't shift on 1 encoder count
    • Feature: Revolution sensor can capture very narrow pulse (50 us). Option is activated only in encoder differential mode
    • Feature: BLDC algorithm are supported! Brushless direct current engines are very energy efficient
    • Feature: Graphical user interface for PID tuning is supported. The interface will be provided to the user after a special request for technical support
  • 4.1.5
    • Bugfix: In rare cases, the controller with DC motor can ignore the limit switches
    • Bugfix: Sometimes the "Move to" command isn't completed
    • Bugfix: Incorrect behavior after switching from stepper motor to DC motor
  • 4.1.4
    • Bugfix: In rare cases engine can interfere with a signals "over temperature" and "bridge fault". Now the signals is filtered by 25 ms
    • Feature: Differential encoders are supported! In differential mode, the maximum state rate is up to 20 megastates/sec (frequency of square wave 5 MHz for each channel)
    • Feature: Encoders with high resolution are supported! Counts per turn is up to 4294967295 (previously maximum counts per turn 65535)
    • Feature: Closed-loop algorithm for stepper motors are supported! The motor can no longer lose any steps up to its maximum torque. If the controller recognizes that the rotor is falling behind the stator field due to overload, adjustments are made with optimal field angle and increased current
  • 4.0.9
    • Feature: Two homing algorithms are available. Traditional homing is useful for a big motors with very inertial load. Fast homing is useful for little motor with long translation line
    • Feature: For stepper motor with feedback encoder more stable behavior was reached when rotating
  • 4.0.7
    • Bugfix: Stepper motors algorithm was reprogrammed using floating calculations in the critical sections. Noise near speed 255 steps/s was decreased
    • Bugfix: 8SMC5 data structures of EEPROM are shifted with respect to the same in 8SMC4
  • 4.0.4
    • Bugfix: There was no synchronization of the PWM signal. In rare cases, this could lead to unstable rotations
    • Feature: The new algorithm for stepper motors with encoder. Now encoder can prevent the motor stucking when it reach rezonance speed. More stable and smooth rotation for stepper motors with high nominal current (1.2 A and more)
  • 3.9.23
    • Feature: Final release
  • 3.9.22
    • Bugfix: Remove the determination of the winding resistance difference
  • 3.9.20
    • Feature: Compatibility with new XiLab added by updateing protocol to v17.4
    • Feature: Winding resistance difference check and alarm flags added
  • 3.9.18
    • Bugfix: The virtual position now changes with the real one when the motor power is off. With no current in the motor windings, the values of the real and virtual positions could diverge when the rotor of the motor was turned
    • Feature: Two homing algorithms are available: traditional and fast homing. Fast homing is commonly used for most small positioners. Traditional homing is better for large and heavy positioners
  • 3.9.16
    • Bugfix: There was no synchronization of the PWM signal. In rare cases, this could lead to unstable rotations
    • Feature: The new algorithm for stepper motors with encoder. Now encoder can prevent the motor stucking when it reach rezonance speed. More stable and smooth rotation for stepper motors with high nominal current (1.2 A and more)
  • 3.9.14
    • Bugfix: If software limit switches are activated and the engine is stucked in one by 'Shift on' command then in rare cases backward move will incorrect.
    • Bugfix: The synchronization input and the external general purpose input don't accept event when user reverses their active state in settings.
    • Feature: The nominal current can be interpreted as an RMS (root mean square) value. It's most popular interpretation of nominal current of stepper motors. So, if user uses new profile for his positioner, its torque will be increased.
    • Feature: More robust settings update.
    • Feature: Internal timer has been improved. It had 16 bits counter in the past, now 32 bits counter.
  • 3.9.12
    • Bugfix: CLOCK and DIR pins on external conrol were swapped
    • Bugfix: When ExtIO has active state it rarely didn't result in motion stop when it should
    • Feature: Support "Alarm on ExtIO" option
  • 3.9.11
    • Bugfix: Semi closed-loop control module for stepper motor has been fixed. The controller wasn't capable of any movement if there was an alarm signal on the module
    • Bugfix: The joystick behaviour has been fixed. With firmware 3.9.10 the uncontrolled movement to the right is occurred
    • Bugfix: The soft stop correctly occurs without any motion. Earlier if any motions are absent the soft stop was cause of a little changes of position
    • Feature: More robust settings update
  • 3.9.10
    • Bugfix: After immediate stop there was big power consumption resulting in safety logic power cutoff with some motors
    • Bugfix: A small position overshoot could happen due to the long position autosave calculations. Now it is much faster
    • Bugfix: Software fix for high EMI that could result in false limit switch triggering
    • Bugfix: Move command (and other motion commands) could be ignored rarely. Not anymore
    • Bugfix: Limit switch triggering rarely didn't result in motion stop when it should
    • Bugfix: Either "sync out" or "sync in" was working at the same time, so noone could use them both
    • Bugfix: MVCMD\_RUNNING was set with a delay of 1 ms. It resulted in wait\_for\_stop premature finishing
    • Bugfix: The controller behaviour became unpredictable after 49 days of nonstop operation
    • Feature: Every protocol command verify its values now. The "errv" error is generated in case of wrong input values and the values are fixed
    • Feature: More robust settings update
    • Feature: Simplified CRC control logic. Same algorithm - less code
  • 3.9.9
    • Bugfix: Limit switch rarely didn't result in motion stop when it should
    • Feature: Semi closed-loop control for stepper motor can be enabled when encoder is present. It will retain the step position at any step loss. It is activated in position control block
    • Feature: New flag in status structure - STATE\_IS\_HOMED. It shows whether the device is homed right now
  • 3.9.8
    • Bugfix: Homing stability improved. No more failed homings right after HOME command
    • Bugfix: Motor current is checked better during set command
    • Feature: Homing is much faster now. It uses a different approach with the same accuracy
  • 3.9.7
    • Bugfix: EEPROM chip in the stage was not operational on 2.2.3 hardware
    • Bugfix: Step motor slip event was erroneously detected at the bootup
    • Bugfix: Step motor virtual movement was not stopping at the event of power loss
    • Feature: Estimated motor parameters are now kept between reboots to make each new movement start after reboot smoother
  • 3.9.5
    • Feature: New algorithm of step motor movement. There are higher torque on high speeds, no overcurrents or undercurrents now
    • Feature: Autotuned motor parameters are saved automatically now. There will be no noises during the first movement after the power up
  • 3.8.19
    • Bugfix: If software limit switches are activated and the engine is stucked in one by 'Shift on' command then in rare cases backward move will incorrect
    • Bugfix: The synchronization input and the external general purpose input don't accept event when user reverses their active state in settings
    • Feature: The nominal current can be interpreted as an RMS (root mean square) value. It's most popular interpretation of nominal current of stepper motors. So, if user uses new profile for his positioner, its torque will be increased
    • Feature: More robust settings update
    • Feature: Internal timer has been improved. It had 16 bits counter in the past, now 32 bits counter
  • 3.8.17
    • Bugfix: CLOCK and DIR pins on external conrol were swaped
    • Bugfix: When ExtIO has active state it rarely didn't result in motion stop when it should
    • Bugfix: The soft stop correctly occurs without any motion. Earlier if any motions are absent the soft stop was cause of a little changes of position
    • Feature: More robust settings update
    • Feature: Support "Alarm on ExtIO" option
  • 3.8.16
    • Bugfix: Software fix for high EMI that could result in false limit switch triggering
    • Bugfix: Move command (and other motion commands) could be ignored rarely. Not anymore
    • Bugfix: Limit switch triggering rarely didn't result in motion stop when it should
    • Bugfix: Either "sync out" or "sync in" was working at the same time, so noone could use them both
    • Bugfix: MVCMD\_RUNNING was set with a delay of 1 ms. It resulted in wait\_for\_stop premature finishing
    • Bugfix: The controller behaviour became unpredictable after 49 days of nonstop operation
    • Feature: More robust settings update
    • Feature: Simplified CRC control logic. Same algorithm - less code
    • Feature: Every protocol command verify its values now. The "errv" error is generated in case of wrong input values and the values are fixed
  • 3.8.14
    • Bugfix: Sending "Zero" command during rotation makes both primary and secondary position zerofication at the same time, and not at close times like before
    • Bugfix: Zero speed, acceleration, and decelerations are denied now preventing virtual stalling
    • Bugfix: Unnatural high speeds and low deccelerations combinations are denied now preventing incorrect long deceleration.
    • Bugfix: Changing engine revers setting during rotation was stopping any rotation until reboot. It makes the device go to the regular Alarm state now
    • Bugfix: Sending movement commands too frequently resulted in wrong LED blinking and possibly wrong syncout pulses. Fixed
    • Feature: More robust protocol implementation
    • Feature: More robust implementation of link between movement start/stop and associated actions
    • Feature: Now support latest protocol with bootloader version commands
  • 3.8.11
    • Bugfix: EEPROM precedence flag didn't work
    • Feature: Major change: Revised engine abstraction block, reducing code and making it more robust
  • 3.8.10
    • Bugfix: Settings could be loaded erroneously during bootup
    • Bugfix: Movement command status may be left "active" after command execution is finished. Now command execution is more robust
  • 3.8.9
    • Bugfix: Movement can be started in direction of active limit switch in DC motor control
    • Bugfix: Sometimes movement in an active limit switch direction can leave status of active command even when no command is executed
    • Bugfix: Sending "stop" and other movement command during one millisecond can result in erroneous execution
  • 3.8.8
    • Bugfix: High acceleration and deceleration at low movement speeds resulted in oscillations near target position
    • Bugfix: Movement to large coordinate could result in wrong direction of the movement
    • Bugfix: Setting encoder position ignored high 32 bits of 64 bits
    • Bugfix: Acceleration and motor revers may not apply when simultaneously change engine type
    • Bugfix: Limit switches may be ignored when movement commands are sent too frequently (for example under joystick control)
    • Feature: Stop on limit switch is triggered under "intention prohibition" rather than "prohibited event" which is more robust under closed loop control
    • Feature: Full current is measured synchroneously with motor PWM now
  • 3.8.7
    • Bugfix: The initial settings made first movement too power consumping at first 200 ms that can result in power supply overcurrent protection triggering
    • Bugfix: Previous version has buggy ZERO command operation. Fixed now
    • Bugfix: Border limits may become inoperable when any feedback is used due to zero speed at the moment of border triggering
    • Feature: Protocol 16.6 with incompatibilities regarding EEPROM section of the commands
    • Feature: Completely new motor revers logic. It removes bug with encoder reverse recognition and must be much more stable
    • Feature: Revised power control logic
    • Feature: A fixed position shift on button click when the external buttons are in control is implemented
    • Feature: USB connection can restart itself when connection breaks. It helps to restore connection after statick discharge
    • Feature: Backlash compensation with LOFT command works during motion with a define behaviour now
    • Feature: BLDC engines is better supported due to new settings in protocol 16.6
  • 3.8.4
    • Bugfix: Possible oscillations around target positions on low acceleration and deceleration
  • 3.8.3
    • Feature: Initial firmware

2.4. Таблица совместимости

Версия протокола XILab libximc Прошивка
16.3 1.8.28-1.8.30 2.0.5 3.8.3-3.8.4
16.6 1.9.11-1.9.18 2.2.1-2.2.2 3.8.7-3.8.11
16.6 1.10.6-1.10.14 2.3.0-2.3.2 3.8.7-3.8.11
16.8 1.11.10-1.11.12 2.5.0 3.9.5-3.9.8
16.8 1.12.7-1.12.8 2.8.0 3.9.5-3.9.8
16.10 1.12.10 2.8.4-2.8.5 3.9.9
16.10 1.12.13 2.8.7 3.9.10-3.9.11
16.11 1.12.14 2.8.8-2.8.9 3.9.12
16.12 1.12.15, 1.12.18 2.8.10-2.8.12 3.9.14-3.9.22
17.2 1.13.13-1.13.14 2.9.8-2.9.14 3.9.16-3.9.22, 4.0.4-4.0.9
18.1 1.14.5-1.14.8 2.10.3 4.1.4-4.1.8
18.3 1.14.12 2.10.4, 2.10.5 3.9.16-3.9.22, 4.1.8-4.1.13
20.1 1.17.2, 1.17.4 2.12.1 4.5.2
20.4 1.17.9-1.17.14 2.12.5-2.13.6 4.5.9-4.6.10
20.5 1.18.3-1.19.1 2.12.5-2.13.6 4.5.9-4.6.10
20.7 1.20.2-1.20.11 2.14.13-2.14.27 4.7.11-4.7.16
20.8 1.20.2-1.20.11 2.14.13-2.14.27 4.7.11-4.7.16

2.5. Все версии прошивок для адаптера 8Eth1

Версия Файл
1.2.2 Скачать
1.2.0 Скачать
1.1.0 Скачать
1.0.0 Скачать

2.5.1. Список изменений прошивки 8Eth1

Развернуть Свернуть
  • 1.2.2
    • Bugfix: The mac address of the device does not change arbitrarily anymore
  • 1.2.0
    • Bugfix: The web interfece login problem fixed
    • Feature: The new cubieboard revision support added. The release must work with microSD card
  • 1.1.0
    • Bugfix: MAC address is not the same for every device anymore
    • Bugfix: Services don't get stuck in transitional state anymore when enabled/disabled via web interface
  • 1.0.0
    • Feature: Initial public release

2.6. Все версии REVEALER для адаптера 8Eth1

Версия Linux x32 Linux x64 Mac OS Windows Java
0.1.0 Скачать Скачать Скачать Скачать Скачать

2.6.1. Список изменений REVEALER

Развернуть Свернуть
  • 2.0.11
    • Bugfix: Fixed the readme for the correct display of images
    • Feature: The application icon has been changed
  • 2.0.10
    • Bugfix: Fixed simultaneous startup when the SSDP port is busy
    • Bugfix: Fixed links in linux systems
    • Feature: SSDP fields have been added to the device information
    • Feature: The white list of devices that support changing settings has been left on support, but the main mechanism for recognizing such devices now is the presence of the corresponding field in their response to the search query
    • Feature: Forbidden ranges for setting IP addresses have been added
  • 2.0.8
    • Bugfix: Fixed a long list of devices in the presence of sorting and a large number of devices
    • Bugfix: Fixed the procedure for closing the application so that it does not hang in the background and does not hold the port
    • Bugfix: A number of appearance comments have been fixed: the text of messages, the collapse of opening windows, the state of the device settings buttons become inactive when searching and changing settings, a comment has been added about why a window with network settings is needed
  • 2.0.6
    • Bugfix: Fixed the release of the application on macOS
    • Feature: Sorting of found devices has been changed to "first ours in alphabetical order, then not ours in alphabetical order"
    • Feature: Bold text in the list is now available only for our devices on any network
  • 2.0.5
    • Bugfix: Fixed a bug with the inability to set a new default gateway address
    • Bugfix: Changed the text in the warnings about the incorrect format of the entered settings